Monday, January 13, 2014

*******DREAMS ARE REAL************

Good Evening,

Many of you do not know me on a personal level, and for that I apologize. I am individual that is so dedicated to helping others with whatever it that they need, that I sometimes forget about myself.

My name is Chasity and I am thirty plus years old. I am a mother of two grown adults and have a glamdaughter who is my best friend. As a child, I always knew I wanted to be some type of writer.
My first reason was, because the first time I wrote my name, I fell in love with my penmanship. I have very pretty handwriting. After, my homework was all done. I would pull out the encyclopedia and start copying any subject that interest me, just to look at my handwriting. After a short while, I actually started to retain the information. Surprisingly this led me to not only enter, but win spelling bee's and essay contest throughout elementary school.

High School was another story. Education quickly went to the down the list of priorities when I tried out for modern dance in my freshman year, and was selected. Now Cheer leading was my sidekick back in elementary, but here, I could move without feeling stiff and controlled. I mean I knew I could dance, but never paid attention to how well until I got in front of the crowd. I honestly thought to myself that the mannish boys just enjoyed seeing us in leotards, but that was not the case. I attended a vocational high school, so we had majors going in. I chose business, because I knew I could sit down all day. I was typing at 40wpm by my second year. It wasn't important to me at the time, dancing was.

After barely making it out of high school, I immediately gave birth to my darlings which are two years apart. One year after full time motherhood for two, I thought it was time for Chasity to get back in school. I didn't party, but I was extra bored. I attended a community college nearby to obtain a certificate in Medical Transcription and Office Administration. Upon completion, I landed my first job at one of the biggest hospitals in Chicago, as a file clerk in their medical records department.

For the next 18 years, I have worked in customer service, and telecommunications, in addition to furthering my education in psychology and business management, and in between kids and education, I have worked in every call center atmosphere that you can imagine. I would sent in training classes and secretly wish that I was the one giving the presentations. Once I decided I was tired of working for people I started looking into work from home projects and founded a T-Shirt printing company in 2009....

If you want to find out how life really turned out for Chasity (me). Follow my blog......The rest of the story continues next week.

Luv~Ur~City Inc.

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